Andrea D’Anna
Full ProfessorING-IND/25Informazioni biografiche
Other Affiliations
CNISM Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze Fisiche della Materia, Via della Vasca Navale, 84 – 00146 Roma
Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione, CNR, piazzale V. Tecchio, 80 – 80125 Napoli
1984 M.Sc. University of Naples Federico II Chemical Engineering
Professional Experiences
2011 – Coordinator of the PhD Chemical Engineering – University of Naples Federico II
2010 – Chair of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute
2008 – Member of the Executive Committee of the Mediterranean Combustion Symposia
2006 – Member of the Executive Committee of the International Congress on Combustion by-Products and Their Health Effects
2006 – Member of the Scientific advisory Committee of the International Sooting Flame Workshops
2005 – 2010 Secretary Italian Section of the Combustion Institute
2005 – 2008 Colloquium Co-Chair, 31st and 32nd Symposia on Combustion
2001 – Associate Professor – Chemical Engineering – University of Naples Federico II
1997 – 2001 Assistant Professor – Chemical Engineering – University of Naples Federico II
1986 – 1995 Researcher, Istituto Ricerche Combustione, CNR, Napoli
1984 – 1985 Researcher, Fertimont, Milano
Impianti Chimici, Bachelor in Chemical Engineering
Ingegneria Chimica Ambientale, MSc in Chemical Engineering
Cinetica Chimica Applicata (modulo del corso di Reattori Chimici), MSc in Chemical Engineering
Research areas
Combustion chemistry, including the kinetics of pyrolysis of hydrocarbons, their oxidation and autoignition
Mechanisms of pollutant formation
Combustion-formed particles and their effects on health and climate
Combustion in Diesel engines
Nano-material synthesis in flame reactors
Domestic burners design and development
Design and development of in-situ and ex-situ diagnostics for particulate characterization
Design and development of condensation filters and electrostatic filters for nanoparticle collection
Design and development of post-combustors for particulate removal
Field measurements of gaseous pollutants, PAH and particulate matter
Modeling of fire and toxic combustion dispersion in enclosed environment and industrial areas
Modeling the emission of pollutants from industrial flares and their dispersion in the atmosphere.
Research Group
Recent Publications
Minutolo, P., Commodo, M., Santamaria, A., De Falco, G., D’Anna, A., “Characterization of flame-generated 2-D carbon nano-disks”, Carbon, 2013. 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.10.073
D’Anna, A., Sirignano, M., “An Advanced Multi-Sectional Method for Particulate Matter Modeling in Flames”, F. Battin-Leclerc et al. (eds.), Cleaner Combustion, Green Energy and Technology, Chap. 14, 363-388, Springer-Verlag London 2013.
Commodo, M., Tessitore, G., De Falco, G., Minutolo, P., D’Anna, A., “Photoionization study of soot precursors nanoparticles in laminar premixed ethylene/ethanol flames”, Combust. Sci. Technol. in press, 2013.
Commodo, M., Sgro, L.A., Minutolo, P., D’Anna, A., “Characterization of Combustion-Generated Carbonaceous Nanoparticles by Size-Dependent Ultraviolet Laser Photoionization”, J. Phys Chem A 117 (2013) 3980-3989.
Pedata, P., Bergamasco, N., D’Anna, A., Minutolo, P., Servillo, L., Sannolo, N., Balestrieri, M.L., “Apoptotic and proinflammatory effect of combustion-generated organic nanoparticles in endothelial cells” Toxicology Letters 219 (2013) 307-314.
Sirignano, M., Kent, J., D’Anna, A., “Modeling Formation and Oxidation of Soot in Nonpremixed Flames”, Energy Fuels 27 (2013) 2303-2315.
Sirignano, M., D’Anna, A., “Coagulation of combustion generated nanoparticles in low and intermediate temperature regimes: An experimental study” Proc. Combust. Inst. (2013) 1877–1884.
Sirignano, M., Collina, A., Commodo, M., Minutolo, P., D’Anna, A., “Detection of Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Incipient Particles in an Opposed-Flow Flame of Ethylene by Spectral and Time-Resolved Laser Induced Emission Spectroscopy” Combust. Flame, 159 (2012) 1663-1669.
Sgro, L.A., D’Anna, A., Minutolo, P., “Combustion Generated Incipient Nanoparticles”, Japanese Journal of Aerosol Research (Earozoru Kenkyu) Vol. 27 (2), 2012, 145-155.
Sgro, L.A., Sementa, P., Vaglieco, B.M., Rusciano, G., D’Anna, A., Minutolo, P., “Investigating the origin of nuclei particles in GDI engine exhausts” Combust. Flame, 159 (2012) 1687-1692.
Sgro, L.A., D’Anna, A., Minutolo, P., “On the characterization of nanoparticles emitted from combustion sources related to understanding their effects on health and climate”, J. Haz. Mat., 211-212 (2012) 420-426.
Salamanca, M., Sirignano, M., Commodo, M., Minutolo, P., D’Anna, A., “The effect of ethanol on the particle size distributions in ethylene premixed flames” Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 43 (2012) 71-75.
Carbone, F., Beretta, F., Barone, A.C., D’Anna, A., “Metal oxide nanoparticles formed from solution droplets under high heating rate”, Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 43 (2012) 23-31.
Sirignano, M., D’Anna, A., “Effect of Sampling Probe Perturbation on Particle Size Distribution Functions in a Slightly-Sooting Premixed Flame of Ethylene: a Modeling Study”, Combust. Sci. Technol. 184:7-8 (2012) 1011-1024.
Commodo, M., Ossler, F., de Lisio, C., D’Anna, A., Minutolo, P., “Size Measurements of Fluorescent Carbon Nanoparticles in a co-Flowing Laminar Diffusion Flame by Time-resolved Fluorescence Anisotropy”, Combust. Sci. Technol. 184:7-8 (2012) 916-928.
Salamanca, M., Sirignano, M., D’Anna, A., “Particulate Formation in Premixed and Counter-Flow Diffusion Ethylene/Ethanol Flames”, Energy Fuels 26 (2012) 6144−6152.
Sgro, L.A., D’Anna, A., Minutolo, P., “Measured charge fraction distributions: information on the formation mechanism of inception mode particles”, Combustion and Flame 158 (7), 2011, 1418-1425.
Carbone, F., Beretta, F., D’Anna, A., “A Flat Premixed Flame Reactor to study Nano-Ashes Formation during High Temperature Pulverized Coal Combustion”, Fuel 90 (2011) 369–375.
Echavarria, C.A., Sarofim, A.F., Lighty, J.S., D’Anna, A., “Evolution of Soot Size Distribution in Premixed Ethylene/Air and Ethylene/Benzene/Air Flames: Experimental and Modeling Study”, Combustion and Flame, 158 (1), 98-104, 2011.
Sirignano, M., Alfè, M., Tregrossi, A., Ciajolo, A., D’Anna, A., “Experimental and modeling study on the molecular weight distribution and properties of carbon particles in premixed sooting flames”, Proc. Combust. Inst. (2011), 633-640.
Minutolo, P., Rusciano, G., Sgro, L.A., Pesce, G., Sasso, A., D’Anna, A., “Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) of particles produced in premixed flame across soot threshold”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 33, (2011), 649-657.