Fabio Murena » Faculties

Telefono ufficio: +39 0817682272 Sito web: Web Docenti

Informazioni biografiche

1989 Ph.D. University of Naples Federico II Chemical Engineering
1982 M.Sc. University of Naples Federico II Chemical Engineering

Professional Experiences
2001- Associate Professor – University of Naples “Federico II”
92-01 Assistant Professor – University of Naples “Federico II”
91-92 FISIA (FIAT Impresit Sistemi Ambientali) – Research & Development
88-90 Hertel spa Sarno (SA) – Research & Development
83-84 Società Generale di Informatica (SO.GE.I) Roma – Software analyst

Transport Phenomena – Scienza ed Ingegneria dei Materiali
Enironmental Moniotring – Ingegenria per l’Ambiente e il territorio – Ingegneria Chimica

Research areas
Air pollution modelling
Air pollution monitoring
Applied catalysis

Recent Publications
Murena F., Mele B. Effect of instantaneous wind velocity on mass transfer in street canyons. Atmospheric Pollution Research – Submitted

Murena F., Prati M.V., Quaranta F Monitoring the quality of air in the port of Naples. Developments in Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources Guedes Soares & López Peña (eds) © 2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00124-4 pp. 835-839

Costagliola M.A., Murena F., Prati M.V. Exhaust emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds of powered two-wheelers: effect of cold start and vehicle speed. Contribution to greenhouse effect and tropospheric ozone formation Science of the Total Environment 2013 In press

De Nicola F., Murena F., Costagliola M.A., Alfani A., Baldantoni D., Prati M.V., Sessa L., Spagnuolo V. and Giordano S. A multi-approach monitoring campaign of particulate matter and related pollutants in a street canyon of Naples city. Environ Sci Pollut Res Volume 20, Issue 7 (2013), Page 4969-4979

Murena, F. Monitoring and modelling carbon monoxide concentrations in a deep street canyon: application of a two-box model. Atmospheric pollution research – Vol 3, Issue 3, Pages 311-316, doi: 10.5094/APR.2012.034

Murena, F., Di Benedetto A., D’Onofrio, M. and Vitiello G. Mass transfer velocity and momentum vertical exchange in simulated deep street canyons. Boundary Layer Meteorology. 2011, 140 (1), 125-142.

Categorie: Faculty

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