Gaetano D’Avino » Faculties

Gaetano D’Avino

Assistant ProfessorING-IND/26
Telefono ufficio: +39 0817682241 Sito web: Web Docenti Sito web: Group WebPage
Foto di Gaetano D’Avino

Informazioni biografiche

2007 Ph.D. University of Naples Federico II Chemical Engineering
2004 M.S. University of Naples Federico II Chemical Engineering

Research Experiences
2011-2012 – Senior PostDoc at the Center for Advanced Biomaterials for Health Care – Italian Institute of Technology
2010 – PostDoc at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven
2006-2007 – Visiting PhD at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Technische Universiteit of Eindhoven

Professional Experiences
2012- Assistant Professor – Chemical Engineering – University of Naples Federico II

Simulazione Numerica dei Fenomeni di Trasporto, MSc in Chemical Engineering

Research areas
Rheology, Soft matter modeling and simulation, CFD

Research Group

Bottega della Materia Soffice

Recent Publications
R. Pasquino, G. D’Avino, P. L. Maffettone, F. Greco and N. Grizzuti, Migration and chaining of noncolloidal spheres suspended in a sheared viscoelastic medium. Experiments and numerical simulations, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 203, 1-9 (2014)

F. Del Giudice, G. Romeo, G. D’Avino, F. Greco, P. A. Netti and P. L. Maffettone, Particle alignment in a viscoelastic liquid flowing in a square-shaped microchannel, Lab on a Chip, 13, 4263-4271 (2013)

G. D’Avino, M. A. Hulsen, P. L. Maffettone, Dynamics of pairs and triplets of particles in a viscoelastic fluid flowing in a cylindrical channel, Computers and Fluids, 86, 45-55 (2013)

G. Romeo, G. D’Avino, F. Greco, P.A. Netti and P. L. Maffettone, Viscoelastic flow focusing in microchannels: scaling properties of the particle radial distributions, Lab on a Chip, 13, 2802-2807 (2013)

G. D’Avino, F. Greco, M.A. Hulsen and P.L. Maffettone, Rheology of viscoelastic suspensions of spheres under small and large amplitude oscillatory shear by numerical simulations, Journal of Rheology, 57, 813-839 (2013)

G. D’Avino, Non-Newtonian deterministic lateral displacement separator: theory and simulations, Rheologica Acta, 52, 221-236 (2013)

M.M. Villone, G. D’Avino, M.A. Hulsen, F. Greco and P.L. Maffettone, Particle motion in square channel flow of a viscoelastic liquid: Migration vs secondary flows, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 195, 1-8 (2013)

G. D’Avino, M.A. Hulsen and P. L. Maffettone, Decoupled transient schemes for viscoelastic fluid flow with inertia, Computers and Fluids, 66, 183-193 (2012)

G. D’Avino, G. Romeo, M.M. Villone, F. Greco, P.A. Netti and P. L. Maffettone, Single line particle focusing induced by viscoelasticity of the suspending liquid: theory, experiments and simulations to design a micropipe flow-focuser, Lab on a Chip, 12, 1638–1645 (2012)

G. D’Avino, F. Snijkers, R. Pasquino, M. A. Hulsen, F. Greco, P. L. Maffettone and J. Vermant, Migration of a sphere suspended in viscoelastic liquids in Couette flow: experiments and simulations, Rheologica Acta, 51, 215–234 (2012)

M.M. Villone, G. D’Avino, M.A. Hulsen, F. Greco and P.L. Maffettone, Simulations of viscoelasticity-induced focusing of particles in pressure-driven micro-slit flow, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166, 1396-1405 (2011)

L. Carracciuolo, D. Casaburi, L. D’Amore, G. D’Avino, P.L. Maffettone and A. Murli, Computational simulations of 3D large-scale time-dependent viscoelastic flows in high performance computing environment, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166, 1382-1395 (2011) .

S. Caserta, G. D’Avino, F. Greco, S. Guido and P. L. Maffettone, Migration of a sphere in a viscoelastic fluid under planar shear flow: Experiments and numerical predictions, Soft Matter, 7, 1100-1106 (2011)

F. Snijkers, G. D’Avino, P.L. Maffettone, F. Greco, M.A. Hulsen and J. Vermant, Effect of viscoelasticity on the rotation of a sphere in shear flow, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166, 363-372 (2011)

M. M. Villone, G. D’Avino, M. A. Hulsen, F. Greco and P. L. Maffettone, Numerical simulations of particle migration in a viscoelastic fluid subjected to Poiseuille flow, Computers and Fluids, 42, 82-91, (2011)

Categorie: Faculty

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