Raffaele Marotta
Full ProfessorING-IND/27Informazioni biografiche
1997 Ph.D. University of Naples Federico II Chemical Engineering
1993 M.Sc. University of Naples Federico II Chemistry
Professional Experiences
1999-2013 Assistant Professor University of Naples Federico II Chemical Engineering
Organic Chemistry – Bachelor Chemical Engineering
Industrial Chemistry – M. Sc. Chemical Engineering
Environmental Chemistry – M. Sc. Chemical Engineering
Research areas
Environmental Protection and Pollution mitigation
Photocatalysis, Advanced Oxidation Processes, Solar chemical processes, Hydrogen production
Runaway reactions
Biodiesel Production from Algal Biomass
Research Group
SAFE and Enviromentally Sustainable CHEmical PROcess Group (SESCHEMPROG)
Sustainable and Safe Chemical Processes
Recent Publications
Raffaele Marotta, Danilo Spasiano, Ilaria Di Somma, Roberto Andreozzi. “Photodegradation of naproxen and its photoproducts in aqueous solution at 254 nm: a kinetic investigation” Water Research, 47 (2013) 373-383.
Danilo Spasiano, Lucia del Pilar Prieto Rodriguez, Jaime Carbajo Olleros, Sixto Malato, Raffaele Marotta, Roberto Andreozzi. “TiO2/Cu(II) photocatalytic production of benzaldehyde from benzyl alcohol in solar pilot plant reactor” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 136-137 (2013) 56–63.
Giuseppe Olivieri, Immacolata Gargano, Roberto Andreozzi, Raffaele Marotta, Antonio Marzocchella, Gabriele Pinto, Antonino Pollio. “Effects of photobioreactors design and operating conditions on Stichococcus bacillaris biomass and biodiesel production” Biochemical Engineering Journal, 74 (2013) 8–14.
Raffaele Marotta, Ilaria Di Somma, Danilo Spasiano, Roberto Andreozzi, Vincenzo Caprio. “An evaluation of the application of a TiO2/Cu(II)/solar simulated radiation system for selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol derivatives” Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 88 (2013) 864–872.
Ilaria Di Somma, Raffaele Marotta, Roberto Andreozzi, Vincenzo Caprio. “Nitric acid decomposition kinetics in mixed acid and their use in the modeling of aromatic nitration” Chemical Engineering Journal 228 (2013) 366–373.
Ilaria Di Somma, Raffaele Marotta, Roberto Andreozzi, Vincenzo Caprio. “Detailed thermal and kinetic modeling of cumene hydroperoxide decomposition in cumene” Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 91 (2013) 262–268.
Gargano I., Olivier, G., Andreozz, R., Marotta R., Marzocchella A., Pinto G., Pollio A. “Effects of photobioreactor depth on stichococcus cultures aimed at biodiesel production” Chemical Engineering Transactions 32 (2013) 1117-1122.
Valeriano Lanese, Danilo Spasiano, Raffaele Marotta, Ilaria Di Somma, Luciana Lisi, Stefano Cimino, Roberto Andreozzi. “Hydrogen production by photoreforming of formic acid in aqueous copper/TiO2 suspensions under UV-simulated solar radiation at room temperature” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 9644–9654.
Danilo Spasiano, Raffaele Marotta, Ilaria Di Somma, Roberto Andreozzi and Vincenzo Caprio. “Fe(III)-photocatalytic partial oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde under UV-solar simulated radiation” Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 12(11) (2013) 1991-2000
Ilaria Di Somma, Raffaele Marotta, Roberto Andreozzi, Vincenzo Caprio “Dicumyl Peroxide Thermal Decomposition in Cumene: Development of a Kinetic Model” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 51 (2012) pp. 7493–7499.
G. Olivieri, I. Gargano, R. Andreozzi, R. Marotta, A. Marzocchella, G. Pinto, A. Pollio “Effects of CO2 and pH on Stichococcus bacillaris in laboratory scale photobioreactors” Chemical Engineering Transactions, 27 (2012) pp. 127 – 132.
Raffaele Marotta, Danilo Spasiano, Ilaria Di Somma, Roberto Andreozzi, Vincenzo Caprio“Kinetic modeling of benzyl alcohol and/or benzaldehyde selective oxidation in water by means of TiO2/CuII/hν process” Chemical Engineering Journal, 209 (2012) 69-78.
Ilaria Di Somma, Raffaele Marotta, Roberto Andreozzi, Vincenzo Caprio. “Kinetic and Safety Characterization of the Nitration Process of Methyl Benzoate in Mixed Acid” Organic Process Research & Development, 16 (12), (2012) 2001–2007
R. Andreozzi, I. Di Somma, R. Marotta, G. Pinto, A. Pollio, D. Spasiano “Oxidation of 2,4-dichlorophenol and 3,4-dichlorophenol by means of Fe(III)-homogeneous photocatalysis and algal toxicity assessment of the treated solutions” Water Research, 45 (2011) pp. 2038 – 2048.
I. Di Somma, R. Marotta, R. Andreozzi, V. Caprio“Kinetic and chemical characterization of thermal decomposition of dicumylperoxide in cumene” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 187 (2011) pp. 157 – 163.
Raffaele Marotta, Ilaria Di Somma, Danilo Spasiano, Roberto Andreozzi, Vincenzo Caprio “Selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde in water by TiO2/Cu(II)/UV solar system” Chemical Engineering Journal, 172 (2011) 243– 249.
R. Andreozzi, I. Di Somma, R. Marotta, D. Spasiano. “Selective oxidation processes of organic substances by means of photocatalytic systems” Chemical Engineering Transactions, 24 (2011) pp. 1261 – 1266.
I. Di Somma, R. Andreozzi, R. Marotta, V. Caprio. “Kinetic modeling of dicumyl peroxide thermal decomposition in cumene” Chemical Engineering Transactions, 24 (2011) pp. 73 – 78.